Kelvin Grove State College recently hosted a vibrant celebration for World Bee Day, garnering significant support from sponsors Hive and Wellness and the Capilano Honey team. The event aimed to raise awareness about the crucial role of bees in our ecosystem.
The festivities saw active participation from Leigh, Phoebe, and the College Captains, who engaged Junior and Middle School students in educational activities. The highlight of the day was the Capilano Hot Chilli Honey taste testing stall during lunch, which had students buzzing with excitement.
Moreover, the Capilano team's generous contributions, including raffle prizes and donations from their Containers for Change proceeds, further enriched the event. These contributions will directly benefit the Healing Barrambin project, specifically focusing on creating a bee verge under the Jacaranda tree at the Junior School.
The success of the World Bee Day celebrations wouldn't have been possible without the support and participation of students and staff. Their efforts in organizing the Bee Connected Market Stalls and joining in the bee-themed festivities truly made the day a memorable and impactful one.