What is Daymap?
An online medium which operates as a homework diary accessible to teachers, parents/carers, and students
An online space where KGSC staff mark rolls
An online hub where your child’s teachers use virtual spaces, or provide links to help manage their classes
A place to view your child’s current timetable
A place to view your child’s attendance
A place to source assessment information including some assessment dates and semester overviews.
Link to Daymap: https://kelvingrovesc.eq.daymap.net/daymapconnect/logon.aspx
Daymap – For parents/carers of middle and senior school students
QParents is an Education Queensland parent portal. QParents does serve as our point of truth for student (and parent/carer) information and this is why we are requiring QParents registration before opening access to your child’s class information on Daymap. Wacth a Youtube
overview of QParents full capabilities (which KGSC is not opening access to at this point in time).
DET page with more information about QParents (including where to get the app)
Registering for Daymap (through QParents)
QParents - Registration information would have already been emailed to the first listed parent/carer from our school system records. While students maintain their enrolment in an Education Queensland school, this
QParents portal should remain active and accessible. Please check your junk mail if you can’t find this communication, and email
info@kelvingrovesc.eq.edu.au if you need this resent.
Daymap: Shortly after you complete registration with
QParents, parents and carers will be sent an email from Daymap with a link to create a password. Please check your junk mail. Please do not cut and paste codes and passwords when signing into Daymap.
Trouble shooting QParent and Daymap
QParent invitations are automatically generated, and sent to the first listed parent/carer. Additional parents/carers who are already listed as authorised OneSchool contacts can be sent a separate QParent (and subsequent Daymap) invitation upon request through
Parents/carers with less than the required points in the ID section for QParents need to enter an online application with any documents they do have to start the process. After this, the parent/carer needs to come to the Middle and Senior School Student Services to physically show ID. However, parents must have finished the registration process before coming to school. This process includes linking your account to the student using the students EQ ID. This can be found on the student’s timetable, student card, an account from the sub shop or academic reports.
Parents with the same email address for both or all legal guardians (for example mother and father) will not be able to access Daymap. If you wish to update an email address, please send an email to info@kelvingrovesc.eq.edu.au with ‘parent email address change – (student’s name and year level)’ in the heading, and include in the text the name of the person who wishes their details to be changed, and the new email address.
Daymap passwords need to be typed, and not cut and pasted and not saved in browser.