The Teacher Enhancement Centre (TECe) is a mentoring and transition program for high potential pre-service teachers.
With a proud emphasis on supporting state schooling in rural, regional and remote locations across Queensland, the TECe transition program provides a cost-free service to transition pre-service teachers from university into employment in rural, regional and remote state schools.
The TECe works strategically alongside major university partners to raise awareness about opportunities in rural, regional and remote communities across Queensland and to provide a robust transition to employment program for their high potential pre-service teachers.
Operating as part of Education Queensland (EQ) we provide professional learning, mentorship, coaching, and guidance, and support these future educators in finding as best fit location to start their teaching career. Through close partnership with the EQ Human Resources team and our network of rural, regional and remote schools, we help find placements in communities that meet both the career and lifestyle needs of our TECe pre-service teachers.
If you are interested in:
- joining the transition to employment program,
- learning more about our program or
- getting involved with supporting rural, regional and remote communities through our program.
we look forward to hearing from you.
Scan the QR code below OR click here to get in touch.
We will give you a call to answer your questions and to help determine if the transition program is the right fit for your unique circumstance. We look forward to sharing this career opportunity with you.
| Find out how we can collaborate to bring opportunity to you and your organisation. Email your query or proposal and best contact details to: TECE@kelvingrovesc.eq.edu.au Or reach out by phone on: 07 3552 7354 We look forward to the possibility of working together for our rural, regional and remote state schools across Queensland.
Ready to start your adventure? Scan the QR code to complete an
expression of interest form to uncover your placement opportunities in
Queensland’s rural, regional and remote state schools.