
Pathways / Way Beyond Today


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Way Beyond Today is all about ensuring our students are fit for the workforce.  With all the talk of automation, shrinking job markets and increased competition for jobs that don't exist, it's essential for young people today to prepare themselves for an ever changing workforce.  What can be challenging however, is figuring out just how to do that.  Where does someone go to build connections, skills and experience?  After working with a number of industry leaders, outstanding young professionals and forward thinking employers, we have prepared a number of resources and shared pathway links to give our students the head start they need to thrive in the economy of the future.​

At Kelvin Grove State College we recognise that there are many different pathways and opportunities for students to reach their desired career aspirations. 

The College have partnered with a number of Gateway to Industry Schools Programs (GISP), a key industry engagement strategy for the Department, which aligns with our vision for all students to have the skills and opportunities to prosper in the global economy.

The programs build partnerships between schools and industry enabling young people to acquire the knowledge, skills and attributes to co-create and collaborate effectively in the workforce, exposing students to a range of learning experiences to assist them in their career choices and pathways leading to successful and sustainable employment.​

Project collaborations are led by industry organisations which develop and implement tailored school engagement activities in line with their industry's key skills and workforce priorities giving our students world of work education and training experiences.


Our Gateway to Industry Schools (GISP) partnerships include:


Advanced Manufacturing

Building and Construction

Hospitality and Tourism


Information, Communication and Technology

Minerals and Energy

Screen and Media


Advanced Manufacturing

Previously the Manufacturing and Engineering GISP, the 2020 Advanced Manufacturing GISP has transitioned to focus on the technologies being adopted by the advanced manufacturing sector which the Queensland government as committed to grow as a critical driver of innovation and productivity in the economy. Information can be found at


Further information about how digital technologies links to this pathway can be found in the careers tool at In particular, refer to page 5 for advanced manufacturing roles involving the design and implementation of new digital solutions.

 GISP promotional video featuring KG staff and students at


Building and Construction

The Building and Construction GISP is a Queensland Government initiative which aims to transition young people from school to work while completing school and gaining formal qualifications. The program focuses on priority industries which underpin economic and employment growth across the state, including construction. Key activities include partnering with industry to understand their para-professional skill requirements and facilitate work experience opportunities.


The GISP in collaboration with Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) an independent, not-for-profit, industry-funded body, supports employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry.



Health - CheckUP

The Health GISP is being delivered by CheckUP in partnership with Queensland’s Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT). The program aims to develop school students' knowledge and understanding of the varied roles available in the health workforce and improve their access to learning and experiential opportunities in Queensland's growing health sector. 

CYO Health Career Website - Funded by Queensland Health, and coordinated by CheckUP, a range of experts from within the health and community sectors in Queensland have identified the jobs which are currently in high demand in their particular fields, where skill shortages exist, and those jobs where strong growth is predicted in the next 5-10 years. The pathways, job profiles and case studies included on this website promote the priority jobs which were identified by these stakeholders.


Hospitality and Tourism

The Food, Wine and Tourism Gateway to Industry Schools Program aims to help young people make a successful transition from school into further education and or employment in the food, wine and tourism industries.

The program delivers a range of learning experiences with industry-supported activities that will assist school leavers to make informed career choices and open pathways to employment. School students will gain valuable industry experience while still at school, providing them with the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions about post school training, education and employment.

Gateway to Industry Schools - Tourism & Hospitality (


Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA)

The HOD eLearning is the key teacher for the QMEA, which has a strong focus on digital technologies and other STEM areas. For further information, see


Oresome Futures resource at, and the booklet at (especially page 3 which identifies programmers, data scientists/analysts and coders as new skills needed for this sector witht he rise of automation).


Screen and Media 

This new GISP is a partnership between Essential Screen Skills and the Queensland government. The project provides opportunities for students and teachers to participate in valuable experiences, broaden knowledge and attend industry-led events. It promotes the understanding of the screen and media industry and provides key information about pathways to further education, training and employment in this sector.​ 

Australian Computer Society (ACS) Queensland Partnership

The KGSC partnership with the ACS Qld Branch enables staff and students to connect into the largest network of ICT professionals in Australia with unique insights into exciting ICT developments, innovation, tech start ups and entrepreneurship, as well as supporting students in their future pathways. As part of their ACS membership, students and staff can access industry publications, professional development and networking events free of charge, and access River City Labs which is owned by the ACS. Student members can also access the MySFIA online self-assessment tool to detrmine their skills profile and map their career pathway, as well as accessing online digital courses and learning materials, all accessible through the member portal when logging in at



BOP Industries​

Scott Miller from BOP Industries, one of Queensland's top young entrepreneurs is collaborating with Fishburners through his new Young Entrepreneurs Hub.

The program is primarily aimed at Year 10 students, but Year 9, 11 or 12 students who are interested may also apply through an expression of interest (see further details below).

Year 10 Student Nick and his business idea can be viewed below. (October 2020)

Young Entrepreneurs Hub


Students accepted into this program generally attend the Young Entrepreneurs Hub at Fishburners in the Queen Street Mall one day per week, but this is open to negotiation. There will also be opportunities for students to engage with the program during school holidays, and after school, depending on student availability.

Students can submit an expression of interest in this program by emailing with responses to the following questions:

  • Do you have a business idea? 
  • If you do have a business idea, what is it and what problem is it solving?
  • What interested you about the Young Entrepreneur Hub Program?
  • What's your biggest strength when it comes to running a business?
  • What skills would you like to develop throughout the program?

    Providing this information will enable a more tailored program to be developed for each student. Students may also wish to consider partnering with 1-2 other students and submitting a group expression of interest.


Industry Engagement

The College provide our Senior students with a range of 

Vocational and Educational Training (VET) programs.  VET provides students with the opportunity to engage in education and training as part of their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), which may lead to employment and/or further study.

Successful completion of a VET certificate provides students with nationally recognised qualifications that deliver the skills and knowledge required for specific industries and occupations.



Last reviewed 12 July 2024
Last updated 12 July 2024