


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Who is the Kelvin Grove State College School chaplain?

Hi my name is Hayden Krohn, I hold a Diploma in Youth Work. I have worked with youth and young adults for a number of years within different youth programs.
Beyond that I have a passion for education and supporting young people. I work in the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools to support the emotional, social and spiritual health and wellbeing of our school community.

My role in the college is diverse. I serve as a member of the Student Wellbeing Team , working alongside the other team members to best support our students. I meet one-on-one to support and mentor students; provide a free, weekly pancake breakfast; attend year level camps and excursions. 
This is only a brief snapshot of what I do. If you have any questions, concerns for students, or simply want to touch base, you can contact me at

What does a school chaplain do?

The days of work will be:







Start time 





Finish time




3.30 pm

Work will be conducted from: Kelvin Grove State College.

The following duties are part of the approved workplan: refer to Role of the Chaplain / student welfare worker (DOC, 405KB)

 Social and/or emotional support

  Community development

Will assist students to develop knowledge, understandings and skills that support learning, positive behaviour and constructive social relationships. With appropriate parental and principal consent will support students individually.

Where necessary and with appropriate permission from school principals, will foster links between the school and the community, work with school-based support staff and community-based organisations and networks to support students.

Spiritual support


With appropriate parental and principal permission deliver programs with spiritual content. These programs would not aim to present a specific spiritual or religious viewpoint, but encourage students to explore and develop their own beliefs.

Act as a role model for students and assist in the development of supportive relationships for, with, and among students.

  Educational support

  Extra-curricular activities

With consultation with the class room   teacher, assist with classroom activities where involvement by the chaplain provides further social, emotional or spiritual support for those students who may be at risk of disengagement.

Participation in general school activities, e.g. camps, excursions, sports days, performing arts.

General work and administration


I will keep pastoral care and other notes as per DoE requirements. I will prepare necessary permission forms and other documentation, such as risk management.

For a complete copy of the Form 2: Work plan, visit the Education website.

Will my child be involved?

Involvement with the Chaplain is entirely voluntary and students choose whether or not they want to be a part of the activities that are offered.  Parents will be consulted if their child wishes to be involved in ongoing one-to-one meetings with the Chaplain or in any programme or group involving spiritual or ethical content.  Parents have the right to refuse permission for their child to be involved in any Chaplaincy activity or event.

Permission forms are available at enrolment and via Education website.

How is the chaplaincy service governed?

The Local Chaplaincy Committee (LCC) provides a forum to discuss the provision of chaplaincy services (ideas, activities, support and networking) and is to assist in the annual review of chaplaincy services. The LCC reports to the school executive.

Under Education Queensland policy

“the LCC is required to represent the diversity of religious, faith and non-religious beliefs in the school community and should understand the cultural and religious customs and needs of the individuals and groups within the school and the range of support services that are currently available and/or required.”

Policy and Procedures Register

The required LCC membership is set out under DoE policy. Current KGSC LCC members are:

  • School Executive representative: Ms Kerrie Richards

  • The Chaplain: Hayden Krohn

  • Parent representative as nominated by the P&C

  • District Coordinator from the AEA (Scripture Union)

  • A student representative

  • Volunteers from local religious groups

This year, letters of invitation were sent to our local community religious organisations requesting expressions of interest to participate in the LCC.

The LCC is always looking for additional members from the Kelvin Grove community who represent the diverse range of beliefs and faiths that we have at our college.  LCC meetings are held twice a term on a Wednesday afternoon.

If you are interested in volunteering on the LCC or would like any further information regarding the LCC, this can be obtained by contacting Mr Andrew Rhule via or Ph: (07) 3552 7333. 

How can I contact the chaplain?

If you would like to contact the chaplain to arrange a one on one session for your student or have any queries please contact Hayden on (07) 3552 7333. Alternatively you can send an email to

Complaints process

If you have a complaint or a concern please contact the Middle School Deputy Principal via or Ph: (07) 3552 7333. Alternatively, you may make contact with the Department of Education Chaplaincy Services in State Schools at our Regional Office on Ph: (07) 3422 8352.


The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.


This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.


Last reviewed 27 May 2024
Last updated 27 May 2024