Guidance officers
Guidance Officers working in state high schools are registered teachers and/or psychologists who have undertaken further post graduate studies in a Masters of Educational Studies with specific training in careers guidance, counselling, psychology and psychoeducational assessment.
The guidance program at Kelvin Grove State College is strongly linked to other student support programs within the Student Services Faculty in collaboration with the School Based Youth Health Nurse, Chaplain, School Based Police Officer, Behaviour teacher and Vocational Education Officer.
Alethea Ovens: Guidance Officer Year 6 & Year 10
John McCullagh: Guidance Officer Year 7 & Year 11
Nathan Macpherson: Guidance Officer Year 8 & Year 12
Bec Sauer: Guidance Officer Year 9
Areas of operation
1. Management
The Guidance Officers function as key members of the Inclusive Welfare Support Team and are responsible for managing the support services available to students in collaboration with this team. The Guidance Officers are also members of the School Executive Team.
2. Careers
In addition to Education Career Planning days and interviews with Heads of Sub Schools, students can access a wide variety of career information relating to TAFE Colleges, Universities, Australian Defence Force, Apprenticeships and Traineeships through appointments with the VET Coordinator or Middle and Senior School Guidance Officers. Students can also access sites like the Good University Guide / Job Guide and Myfuture which allows searches of hundreds of different courses and careers on the internet. Students are kept up to date through newsletters, student notices and assemblies (Expos, open days and scholarships on offer at various institutions). Guidance Officers also discuss alternate pathways for students.
3. Curriculum
The Guidance Officers facilitate some staff training and development, as well as assisting various members of the school community with student course choices and changes. The Guidance Officers often assist in enrolment and departure of students, especially in critical or complex cases.
4. Behaviour
Guidance Officers are involved in formulating individual student management plans for those students deemed to be "at risk".
5. Special education
The Guidance Officers provides team consultancy support to special education program assessments, ascertainment and placements, as well as a coordinating role in terms of reporting, filing and referral procedures. In particular cases, the Guidance Officers perform psychoeducational assessments.
Recognition of and referral to appropriate professionals for students with learning disabilities or with learning styles requiring adjustments in the classroom.
Interpreting educational/psychological reports for parents and teachers.
Assisting students on how to improve their study, time management and decision-making skills.
Management of academic difficulties including special consideration
To make an appointment to see one of our Guidance Officers please phone student services on (07) 3552 7304.