Middle School Subjects
- Health and Physical Education
- Extension Health and Physical Education (Year 9)
- Sports Excellence Programs including Tennis, Golf, Football and Volleyball
Senior School Subjects
Special features and programs
All students from Prep to Year 9 study HPE each week. Throughout their course of study, the students engage in a wide variety of invasion games, individual and team games, indirect interceptive (or net games), aesthetic and performance sports. Students learn a variety of new skills and apply them to games, as well as considering tactics and decision making. HPE also includes the study of various theory topics, including sun safety, risk taking and decision making, nutrition, human body systems, training programs, relationship education, and sociology of sport.
Extension HPE
In Year 9, students are offered an additional subject called Extension HPE. This subject is targeted to prepared students for the senior subject of Physical Education. Throughout the year, students look at various sports and their associated skills and tactics in far more depth than the core HPE subject. The theory components also lay foundations for the senior subject through both the content covered, and the specific assessment genres.
Physical Education
Physical Education aims to create intelligent performers, who are physically educated. This means the students will be able to critically reflect on their performances, and understand the ways to create the ideal performance. They will also look at the factors that influence performance, including skill acquisition, biomechanics, sport psychology, energy systems and training programs, and sociocultural influences on participation. Physical Education is available to students from Years 10 to 12.
Recreation studies
Recreation Studies offers students a pathway into working in sports, fitness and outdoor recreation industries. In recreation, students from Years 10-12 study fitness and training, camping, rocking climbing and abseiling, navigation and orienteering, pioneering, international games, tournament and event organisation, coaching and initiative games. Recreation Studies provides students with a range of interpersonal and organisational skills relevant to working in a group or team. It contains a high degree of physical activity throughout the course.
David Kuchler
Head of Department