
Email and other useful links for students


Students each automatically receive a (Microsoft 365) network account with a username, email ( and password after officially starting at a  Queensland state school. This state-wide system allows access to a range of online services and the College network. 

  • Continuing students, including from other state schools, can use their previous year password
  • New student network accounts are not "provisioned" and fully operational** until 24-48 hours (or longer in peak periods) after their first official day at the College
    • Class teachers will provide students with provisioned accounts with their usernames (from OneSchool) and reset passwords
    • Year 6-12 students can also get their usernames and their passwords reset at the Middle Senior Library Circulation Desk​ , or from Week 4 Term 1, from the Student Tech Hub​ in the Middle Senior Library 
If students know their current password, theycan reset their own password at:

Passwords must be complex i.e.
  • New passwords cannot have been used during the previous 13 password changes.
  • The length of the password must be at least eight characters.
  • Not contain all or part of the user's account name,  first or last name, or date of birth).
  • The password must contain characters from three of the following four categories:
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)​​

Email access

Each student in a Queensland state school also receives a unique email address in the format:

This is part of the state-wide Department of Education Managed Internet Service (MIS) which also  incorporates a filtering tool for inappropriate language in email text and attachments. 

Department of Education and College Behaviour Management Policies must be followed when sending and receiving emails using a school account, and use of inappropriate language, including in attachments, will be detected and emails quarantined. 

Students use their email address, username and password (see above) to access their email at

This email must be used for all school related tasks, and must not be used for personal or social use. 

Any communication to College staff must be using school email - staff are not able to communicate with students using private email accounts.

Learning tools

Students use a range of learning tools in their classes. Information regarding learning tools used in each class will be provided by classroom teachers

QLearn (Canvas) is the Learning Management System​ used in all Year 4-12 classes. Class Notebooks (OneNote)* and Microsoft Teams* may also be used through QLearn which is integrated with Microsoft 365 accounts.

,Daymap is used for checkng daily schedules and attendance.

*It is recommended that desktop versions of these applications be installed on student BYOx laptops, and syncing set up between the online and desktop versions. Online versions allow access to accessibility features (e.g. inclusive classroom tools such as immersive reader, dictation and translation), but do not include all features and functionality of the desktop versions. The Student Tech Hub can assist with this from Week 4 Term 1.

Microsoft 365 Account​

Each state school student has an online Office 365 account at can be accessed using their username and password

​KGSC students can also access:

  • Student SharePoint
  • Online ("cut down") versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, OneNote (including Class Notebooks), PowerPoint Outlook​
  • OneDrive (file storage)

Student Sharepoint:

Students can access the Student Sharepoint at​ ​

Students should make the Student SharePoint the home page in their internet browsers. For instructions on how to do this, use this link to a document created by Jacob, one of our past Student ICT Experts.


Students should save or upload school related files to their online OneDrive which allows access on any internet enabled devices.

A folder should be created for each subject, then shared with the subject teacher. 

Critical files, including assessment files, should always be uploaded to the relevant subject folder, as these can then be accessed by subject teachers if there are issues wtih submitting through other required processes.​


OneSchool is the school management system that is used in state schools.

Students can use OneSchool to:

  • print current timetable

  • create and access SET Plan (from Year 9/10)

Students can access OneSchool  using their school username and password.

ClickView online

Students have access to ClickView Online  which is a video library system, using their school email. Clickview Online uses a different password to that used on the College network and Office 365 account, so students can use the "forgot password" link if the password is not known.  Year 6-12 students can go to the Middle Senior Library for assistance with ClickView.

Apart from subject related video resources, students can also access a range of  "how to" videos that have been created by KGSC staff and students.

To access these, click on the Libraries menu at the top, then the Student - How To Videos in the menu on the left.

Alternatively the following link may be used

Last reviewed 25 January 2025
Last updated 25 January 2025